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Sunday, September 21, 2014

An uneventful week!

So this week we had no class, but I used the time to meet with Dana so we could work on our IT history project.  We started working on the timeline and organizing all our plan and materials to begin the project.  I'm excited to do this and present on the topic we chose!

Also spent the week working on our Needs and Goals statement for IDD, all while subbing for the first time this year.  That was great and I loved getting back into the classroom and with the department that I student taught with!  Missed some of my students too and it was great to see them.

Overall, this was a pretty boring week in my life, and not much happened.  The coming weeks will be more exciting.  Wow, can't believe that September is almost over...it just flew by!

Here is a link to the NJAET conference.  I wasn't able to go last year, and this year I too am not able to go (last of 3 weddings I'm in this year!), but I have heard it is a great conference to attend, and has a wealth of knowledge to gain from it.


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