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Thursday, January 31, 2013

STEM Lab Reflection

On Tuesday we Google Chatted with Kevin from Northfield Community School who runs the STEM lab there.  It was quite interesting to see how much technology has changed since I was in the 3rd grade.  I was fascinated to see the use of Smartboards and Chromebooks and that the children knew how to use them so efficiently.  I think back to my days in elementary school and for us to perform a task like they were with the paper that day, all we would have had to reference would have been the video he showed them.

It's really good to see this technology getting used in the classroom because it helps the kids learn the lesson faster and it makes it more interactive for them.  It also helps them in the long run because by the time they're all grown up, they will have a good handle on technology and how to use it to it's best ability.  These children are growing up in the technology age, learning to do things we never even imagined doing when we were their age.  It really is fascinating to see how much the curriculum has changed to accomodate technology and makes me excited to work with it in my fieldwork and in the future in the classroom.